


Two variables that have a negative correlation move in opposite directions.

On Jul 30, 2024



The rights of the director of a corporation include a right to

A) access the corporation's books, records, facilities, and other property.
B) subordinate the corporation's welfare to his personal interest.
C) use confidential corporate information for personal advantage.
D) self-deal by taking advantage of an opportunity offered to the firm.

On Jul 28, 2024



The patriotic soldier truly agreed with the statement "My country, right or wrong." His agreement is indicative of

A) internalization.
B) identification.
C) compliance.
D) effect dependence.
E) dissension.

On Jun 30, 2024



Mattix Corporation's balance sheet and income statement appear below: Mattix Corporation's balance sheet and income statement appear below:     The company sold equipment for $20 that was originally purchased for $7 and that had accumulated depreciation of $1.It paid a cash dividend during the year and did not issue any bonds payable or repurchase any of its own common stock. Required: Determine the net cash provided by (used in)operating activities for the year using the indirect method. Mattix Corporation's balance sheet and income statement appear below:     The company sold equipment for $20 that was originally purchased for $7 and that had accumulated depreciation of $1.It paid a cash dividend during the year and did not issue any bonds payable or repurchase any of its own common stock. Required: Determine the net cash provided by (used in)operating activities for the year using the indirect method. The company sold equipment for $20 that was originally purchased for $7 and that had accumulated depreciation of $1.It paid a cash dividend during the year and did not issue any bonds payable or repurchase any of its own common stock.
Determine the net cash provided by (used in)operating activities for the year using the indirect method.

On Jun 27, 2024



Raven Company has a target of $70,000 pre-tax income.The contribution margin ratio is 30%.What amount of dollar sales must be achieved to reach the goal if fixed costs are $36,000?

A) $23,333.
B) $36,000.
C) $300,000.
D) $353,333.
E) $420,000.

On May 31, 2024



When disposable income is 4,000,C is

A) 2,000.
B) 3,000.
C) 3,400.
D) 4,000.

On May 28, 2024



Define absolute privilege in the context of defamation and give an example of when an absolute privilege would be applied.

On May 01, 2024

When an absolute privilege exists,one cannot be sued for defamation for any False statements made,regardless of intent or knowledge of the falsity of the claim.The speech and debate clause of the United States Constitution gives an absolute privilege to individuals speaking on the U.S.House and Senate floors during congressional debate.This privilege exists because the U.S.Congress wants to get to the truth of the matters before it,and if people testifying before Congress had to fear they might be sued,they may be afraid to testify.Absolute privilege also arises during a judicial proceeding.Again,we do not want people to be afraid to testify in court,so we prohibit them from being sued for whatever occurs in the courtroom.


You work at an advertising firm where a senior executive has suggested that advertising staff should rely more on e-mail to communicate with clients rather than frequently visiting them in person.The executive has even suggested that this proposal might increase creativity because clients could communicate their ideas to staff members more often than through personal visits.The reason for this recommendation is that it is expensive and time-consuming to visit clients.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the idea of using e-mail rather than personal visits to interact with clients.Be sure that your answer considers emotional contagion, media richness and other factors related to these two communication channels.

On Apr 28, 2024

E-mail tends to be most effective for coordinating work and sending well-defined information for decision making.Thus, advertising staff probably could rely more on e-mail to communicate with clients where personal meetings mainly transmitted well-defined information and coordinated work with the client.
However, e-mail would be ineffective at replacing personal meetings for three reasons.First, personal meetings are more effective at transmitting emotional contagion.When staff members feel enthusiastic about a new advertising campaign, their nonverbal cues transmit this enthusiasm to clients.In other words, clients may experience less emotional contagion when staff members rely more on e-mail to commute their proposals.
A second reason why e-mail would be ineffective at replacing personal meetings is that e-mail has a lower degree of media richness.It cannot transmit the richness and variety of information that is available through face-to-face contact.For example, staff members cannot receive subtle nonverbal communication from clients when proposals are transmitted through e-mail.The meaning of some messages may also be more easily misinterpreted through e-mail than through face-to-face meetings.
The third problem with replacing personal meetings with e-mail is that e-mail is less persuasive than face-to-face communication.E-mail represents a form of written communication.This medium is fine for transmitting technical details, but does not have the same influence as verbal communication in persuading the listener to accept your ideas.Thus, it is possible that clients would be less convinced about proposals communicated through e-mail than in face-to-face meetings.