


Why do companies based in developed countries locate their production facilities in underdeveloped countries?

On May 15, 2024

Companies based in developed countries often locate their production facilities in underdeveloped countries for several strategic and economic reasons:

1. Cost Reduction: One of the primary reasons is the significant reduction in production costs. Labor costs in underdeveloped countries are typically much lower than in developed countries due to the lower cost of living and different economic conditions. This allows companies to save on wages and increase their profit margins.

2. Tax Incentives: Underdeveloped countries often offer tax incentives to attract foreign investment. These can include reduced tax rates, tax holidays, and other financial benefits that can make setting up production facilities more economically attractive.

3. Relaxed Regulations: Underdeveloped countries may have less stringent environmental and labor regulations, which can reduce compliance costs for companies. This can lead to faster setup times for factories and fewer regulatory hurdles.

4. Access to Raw Materials: Some underdeveloped countries are rich in natural resources and raw materials needed for production. Locating facilities closer to these resources can reduce transportation costs and streamline the supply chain.

5. Expanding Markets: By establishing a presence in underdeveloped countries, companies can also tap into new and emerging markets. This can be part of a long-term strategy to build brand recognition and customer loyalty in these regions.

6. Infrastructure Development: Governments in underdeveloped countries may invest in infrastructure improvements to attract foreign companies. This can include the development of industrial parks, transportation networks, and utilities, which can be beneficial for companies looking to establish production facilities.

7. Flexibility in Workforce: Companies may find it easier to adjust the size of their workforce in response to market demands due to more flexible labor laws. This can help companies to be more responsive to changes in demand and maintain efficiency.

8. Competitive Advantage: By reducing costs and potentially increasing efficiency, companies can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. This can be crucial in industries where price competition is intense.

9. Diversification of Risk: Having production facilities in multiple countries can help companies diversify geopolitical and economic risks. If one country experiences instability or economic downturn, the company's operations in other countries can help mitigate the impact.

10. Corporate Social Responsibility and Image: Some companies also see an opportunity to contribute positively to the development of underdeveloped countries by creating jobs, improving local infrastructure, and engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives, which can enhance their brand image globally.

While these reasons can offer significant benefits to companies, it is also important to consider the ethical implications of operating in underdeveloped countries, such as the potential for exploitation, environmental degradation, and the impact on local economies and communities. Companies are increasingly expected to balance their economic objectives with social and environmental responsibilities.


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The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding:

A) celebrates ethnic intermarriage.
B) reflects the opportunities and aspirations of only one segment of the population.
C) says that despite obstacles,mixing cultural "apples" and "oranges" is possible.
D) ignores two important issues regarding ethnic and racial intermarriage.
E) All of the above.

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One of the best predictors of counseling outcomes is the

A) counselor's education.
B) counselor's level of training in a particular theoretical orientation.
C) therapeutic relationship.
D) counselor's amount of experience in the field.

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The theory that focuses on how variations in the distribution of power affects the fortunes of parties and policies is:

A) elite theory
B) pluralist theory
C) organizational theory
D) power resource theory
E) state-centered theory

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