Asked by Kylie Scheetz on Apr 24, 2024



Which of the following has been a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

A) It relies on out-of-date dilemmas.
B) It fails to clearly distinguish between the ability to reason morally versus the ability to behave morally.
C) It overemphasizes cross-cultural studies.
D) It lacks detail about each specific stage.

Kohlberg's Theory

A theory of moral development proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg, suggesting that moral reasoning develops in six stages throughout a person's life.

Moral Development

The process through which individuals acquire the standards of right and wrong that guide their behavior within society.


Relating to principles of right and wrong behavior; ethical considerations in actions and decision-making.

  • Identify criticisms of Kohlberg's theory, including the emphasis on moral thought over behavior and its applicability across cultures.

Verified Answer

Abhishek Chauhan1 week ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
One major criticism of Kohlberg's theory is that it does not clearly differentiate between moral reasoning and moral behavior. Kohlberg's theory assumes that individuals who have reached a higher stage of moral development will behave in a more moral manner, but this may not always be the case in practical situations.