Asked by Elena Martinez on May 09, 2024



What are the informal elements that affect behavior and performance in an organization?

Informal Elements

Aspects of an organization or society that are not officially documented, yet play a significant role in its operations or culture.

  • Comprehend the significance of both formal and informal components within an organizational framework.

Verified Answer

Final Answer :
Answers will vary. The informal elements of an organization are often points of diagnostic and intervention activities in organizational development. It is the informal elements involving people's feelings, thoughts, and attitudes about their work that most affect their behavior and performance, but individual behavior plays out in the context of both the formal and informal elements of the system, becoming, in the process, organizational behavior. Employees' moods, emotions, and dispositions all influence critical organizational outcomes such as job performance, decision making, creativity, turnover, teamwork, negotiation, and leadership. Please see the section "The Formal and Informal Organization" for more information.