Asked by Christen Coleman on Sep 26, 2024



Ivan IV consolidated his rule over Muscovy by

A) granting partial control to the Orthodox Church.
B) terrorizing his people.
C) allowing nobles to rule through a parliament.
D) granting the middle class the right to vote on legislation.
E) ending the practice of serfdom in Muscovy.

Ivan IV

Also known as Ivan the Terrible, the first tsar of all Russia (1547-1584), known for his tyrannical rule, territorial expansion, and establishment of the Tsardom of Russia.


A historical region centered around Moscow, forming the core of the Russian state from the late medieval period until the early modern era.


Serfdom was a form of agricultural labor prevalent in medieval Europe, where serfs were bound to the land and owned by the landowner, obligated to provide labor in return for protection and rights to cultivate certain fields.

  • Apprehend the techniques and rules various monarchs utilized to solidify their dominion and oversee the nobles.

Verified Answer

Tasheia Miller1 day ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Ivan IV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, consolidated his rule through terrorizing his people. He established the Oprichnina, a secret police force that carried out brutal acts of violence against those perceived as disloyal. This created a climate of fear that allowed Ivan to maintain control over Muscovy.