Asked by Jalah Gainous on Sep 27, 2024



Which theory of leadership suggests that it is important to recognize the existence of in-groups and out-groups within an organization?

A) path-goal theory
B) expectancy theory
C) servant leadership
D) leader-member exchange theory

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

A theory suggesting that leaders develop unique one-to-one relationships with each of the people reporting to them.


Social groups to which an individual feels a sense of belonging and identity, often distinguished by certain characteristics or interests.


Groups of individuals not belonging to the dominant or main group in a social, work, or other settings, often lacking the same influence or privileges.

  • Gain insight into the essential ideas and theories associated with Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory.

Verified Answer

Demetria Claybonabout 9 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The leader-member exchange theory suggests that leaders form different types of relationships with their followers, including in-groups and out-groups. In-groups are individuals who have a close working relationship with the leader and are given greater responsibilities and rewards, while out-groups receive less attention and fewer rewards. It is important for leaders to recognize the existence of these groups and strive to create a more equitable and inclusive work environment. Path-goal theory focuses on how leaders can motivate their followers to achieve goals, while expectancy theory deals with how individuals make decisions based on expected outcomes. Servant leadership is based on the idea of putting the needs of others first and serving the greater good.