Asked by Bhvavya Dheera Boreddy on Sep 27, 2024



When both genders use an autocratic,directive leadership style,females are evaluated differently than men.


A leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions without input from group members.

Directive Leadership

A leadership style characterized by clear instructions, strict supervision, and a clear delineation of tasks and expectations for team members.

  • Determine the challenges and biases against women in leadership capacities.
  • Examine the diverse effects that stereotypes have on women in leadership positions.

Verified Answer

Donnie Gladneyabout 9 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Studies have shown that when both genders use an autocratic, directive leadership style, females are often evaluated more negatively than their male counterparts. This is known as the "double-bind" situation, where women are penalized for exhibiting behavior that is seen as appropriate for men in leadership roles.