Asked by Alyssa Bonnette on Sep 29, 2024



The Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law,Inc.v.Craigslist case discussed in the text is an example of:

A) indecent exposure penalties.
B) how legislative history is persuasive.
C) a plain meaning interpretation.
D) a statute being applied to a situation the legislature may not have foreseen.

Craigslist Case

Refers to legal challenges involving the classified advertisements website Craigslist, often concerning copyright, defamation, or discriminatory practices.

Legislative History

This term refers to the documents that are produced by the legislature during the enactment of a law, which can include debates, committee reports, and amendments.

Plain Meaning Interpretation

A method of legal interpretation where courts determine meaning based on the ordinary, literal, or straightforward sense of the language.

  • Examine and elucidate the significance of paramount judicial rulings and their influence on legal practices.
  • Examine the impact of legislative background and indeterminacy on the interpretation of statutory laws.

Verified Answer

Vaishnave Sivarajabout 22 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The plaintiffs in the Craigslist case sued under the Communications Decency Act,which is a federal statute designed to protect minors against online exposure to indecent material.However,its broad language caused courts to apply it to contexts having nothing to do with indecent exposure.