Asked by Sabrina Willard on Apr 26, 2024



Bradykinin is a nonapeptide released by globulins in the blood in response to a wasp sting. Hydrolysis gives the following amino acids: 2 Arg, Gly, 2 Phe, 3 Pro, and Ser. Edman degradation gives phenylthiohydantoin of Arg. Cleavage with carboxypeptidase gives Arg. Partial hydrolysis gives the following di- and tripeptides: Phe-Ser, Pro-Gly-Phe, Pro-Pro, Ser-Pro-Phe, Phe-Arg, and Arg-Pro. What is the amino acid sequence of bradykinin?


A peptide that causes blood vessels to dilate (enlarge), resulting in a drop in blood pressure and increased pain sensitivity.


A peptide consisting of nine amino acid residues.

Edman Degradation

A method of sequencing amino acids in a peptide by stepwise removal of one amino acid at a time from the amino end of the peptide.

  • Outline the procedures involved in determining amino acid sequences from proteins and peptides.

Verified Answer

Natalie SmallsMay 01, 2024
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