Asked by Mira Mae David on Sep 30, 2024

Congress has the power to regulate commerce among the states.Pursuant to this power,Congress passed legislation forbidding women from crossing state lines to buy or sell goods.Will the statute be held constitutional?

A) Yes,because Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce.
B) Yes,because Congress has not exceeded its enumerated power in enacting the legislation.
C) No,because it conflicts with the equal protection guarantee.
D) Yes,because federal laws are always superior.

Enumerated Power

Specific powers granted to the federal government by the Constitution.

Interstate Commerce

Economic, commercial, or transportation activities that cross state boundaries or involve more than one state, subject to federal regulation.

Equal Protection

A constitutional principle in the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that requires states to apply the law equally and not discriminate against individuals or groups.

  • Analyze the constitutionality of federal legislation concerning interstate commerce.