Asked by Yohan Lakshitha on Sep 30, 2024



Federal regulation is considered to be officially "pervasive" when:

A) Congress has given an administrative agency broad regulatory power in a particular area.
B) there is literal conflict between the measures by different states.
C) the state regulation is an obstacle to federal regulations.
D) there is a conflict regarding a federal issue between private citizens.

Pervasive Regulation

Extensive and widespread regulatory control within a particular industry or across various sectors.

Administrative Agency

A government body responsible for overseeing and implementing legislation in specific areas of public policy.

Federal Regulation

Laws or rules prescribed by federal agencies to govern activities and industries across the country.

  • Examine the legality of federal laws regarding interstate commerce in relation to the Constitution.

Verified Answer

Emily Fettyabout 6 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The federal regulation is pervasive if Congress has "occupied the field" by regulating a subject in great breadth and/or in considerable detail.Such action by Congress may suggest an intent to displace state regulation of the subject.