Asked by Sandra Vappie on Jun 22, 2024



Describe the RADAR model, discussing key objectives needed to be obtained for each step of the model.


A framework for continuous improvement and effective decision-making which stands for Recognize, Assess, Develop, Activate, and Review.

Key Objectives

The primary goals or targets that an individual or organization aims to achieve.

  • Learn about the RADAR model and its application in ethical dilemma management within organizations.

Verified Answer

Ramón CastilloJun 29, 2024
Final Answer :
The RADAR model is an acronym forrecognizingethical issues,avoidingmisconduct whenever possible,discoveringethical risk areas,answeringstakeholder concerns when an ethical issue comes to light, andrecoveringfrom an ethical misconduct disaster.The first step to prevent misconduct is recognizing the firm's ethical risk areas. Next, ethicalleaders must determine what issues the firm is most likely to face so controls can be implemented to limit the opportunity for misconduct. After identifying ethical risk areas, ethical leaders should develop policies and procedures for detecting and avoiding misconduct. Ethicalleaders should engage in ethics continuity planning as a way to avoid ethical misconduct disasters. Ethics continuity planning involvesthe identification of risk areas and the development of a response plan to deal with majorissues. By imagining worst case scenarios, leaders brainstorm with others in the firm on thebest way to avoid them. In the third step, managers should proactively uncoverethical risk areas that could lead to misconduct. Theyshould engage in an assessment process to evaluate the firm's ethical weaknesses so the firm can address them. The fourth and fifth steps address what to do if an ethical misconduct disaster does occur.Answering involves responding to the discovery of an ethical dilemma through communication both internally and externally. When an ethical issue is detected, a leader shouldcommunicate with employees so everyone is aware of the issue, its importance, and thenecessity for resolving it.Recovery occurs when a firm begins to rebuild its reputation. From an ethical standpoint, leaders should use this period to fix any weaknesses in the ethics program anddevelop improved ways of detecting misconduct. Recovery involves a four-step process: (1)take corrective action, (2) compensate stakeholders harmed by the misconduct, (3) expressregret for the misconduct, and (4) reinforce the firm's reputation with positive messages.​