Asked by Marco Delgado on Sep 28, 2024



Economist Adam Smith viewed profit as the ultimate goal of an enterprise and did not believe it was businesses' responsibility to be concerned about their impact on society. ​

Adam Smith

An 18th-century Scottish economist and philosopher best known for his theories on free market economies, depicted in "The Wealth of Nations."


The financial gain that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs, and taxes needed to sustain the activity.

  • Elucidate misunderstandings tied to significant economic and ethical theories.

Verified Answer

Akhona Ntshinkaabout 8 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Adam Smith believed in the importance of moral and ethical considerations in business and recognized the broader social responsibilities of enterprises beyond just making a profit. He saw the pursuit of self-interest in the market as leading to societal benefits, but this did not mean he disregarded the impact of business practices on society.