Asked by Ishani Nawaratne on Sep 27, 2024

If customers develop an impression that Janelle is cute,polite,and well-spoken,and they infer that she is also a good student,this inference is considered to be based on _____________.

A) a primacy effect
B) a unified impression
C) a self-fulfilling prophecy
D) an implicit theory

Implicit Theory

Beliefs or assumptions that individuals hold about how certain traits, behaviors, and personality characteristics are interrelated and can change over time.

Primacy Effect

The psychological principle that items or information presented early in a list are remembered better than those presented later.

Unified Impression

An overall perception or interpretation that integrates various aspects into a coherent whole.

  • Absorb the principles of various psychological theories and ideas linked to the development of personality and behavioral patterns.
  • Acquire knowledge of core persuasion principles and social influence tactics.