Asked by Ximena Lugo-Rubio on Sep 24, 2024

​Strategy is

A) ​The art of matching the resources and capabilities of a firm to the opportunities and risks in its environment
B) Developing a resource for the company that is both rare and valuable to create competitive advantage
C) Making sure that the resource developed is non-fungible to create a sustainable advantage
D) ​All of the above


A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim, often involving tactical and operational decision-making.

Resources and Capabilities

The tangible and intangible assets that a firm utilizes to develop, manufacture, and deliver products or services to its customers.

Sustainable Advantage

An enduring benefit or competitive edge that a company can maintain over its competitors, often through innovation or strategic resource management.

  • Comprehend the fundamental concepts of competitive advantage and its importance within business strategy.
  • Understand the methods by which companies can sustain a competitive edge via cost efficiency, distinctiveness, and creativity.