Asked by Darion Shields on Jun 24, 2024



What is it called when an organism acquires a behaviour that prevents the occurrence of an aversive event

A)  escape learning 
B)  punishment learning 
C)  avoidance learning 
D)  negative reinforcement

Avoidance Learning

A learning process in which an individual learns a behavior or response to avoid an unpleasant or harmful stimulus.

Aversive Event

An unpleasant or undesirable event that causes a negative reaction in an individual, often used in psychology to study behaviors and conditioning.


A living entity that can function independently, including animals, plants, fungi, microorganisms, and in some contexts, viruses.

  • Detect the influence of avoidance and escape learning within behavioral modification processes.

Verified Answer

Sahil JagdeoJun 28, 2024
Final Answer :
Explanation :
When an organism acquires a behavior that prevents the occurrence of an aversive event, it is called avoidance learning. The organism learns to avoid the unpleasant stimulus by behaving in a certain way. This is different from escape learning where the organism learns to terminate an ongoing aversive stimulus. Punishment learning involves the presentation of an aversive stimulus after a behavior with the aim of decreasing the likelihood of that behavior occurring in the future. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of an aversive stimulus after a behavior with the aim of increasing the likelihood of that behavior occurring in the future.