Asked by semira mesfin on Oct 01, 2024

Airi learns to associate the sight of a bee with the pain of a bee sting.After learning this association,she runs into the house every time she sees a bee,avoiding the possibility of a sting.What is the sight of the bee according to Mowrer's two-process theory

A)  the CS for classical fear conditioning and the UCS for classical avoidance learning 
B)  the CS for classical fear conditioning and the discriminative stimulus for operant avoidance learning 
C)  the UCS for classical fear conditioning and the discriminative stimulus for operant avoidance learning 
D)  the UCS for classical fear conditioning and the antecedent for operant avoidance learning

Classical Fear Conditioning

A form of classical conditioning where a neutral stimulus is paired with an aversive stimulus to elicit a fear response.

Mowrer's Two-process Theory

A psychological theory proposing that avoidance learning is a combination of classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Operant Avoidance Learning

A learning process in which the subject acquires a behavior to prevent or avoid an unpleasant stimulus.

  • Comprehend the role that avoidance and escape learning play in the modification of behavior.
  • Describe how classical and operant conditioning interact within the educational process.