Asked by Jorge Dominguez on Sep 29, 2024



Which Dutch artist readily acknowledged his debt to Gestalt psychologists as a source of inspiration

A)  M.C. Escher 
B)  George Seurat 
C)  Karel Dujardin 
D)  Jan Steen

M.C. Escher

A Dutch graphic artist known for his mathematically-inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints featuring impossible constructions and explorations of infinity.

Gestalt Psychologists

Psychologists who emphasize viewing the mind and behaviors as wholes rather than through the combination of various elements, known for the phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

George Seurat

A French post-impressionist painter known for devising the painting techniques known as chromoluminarism and pointillism, and his work 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte'.

  • Comprehend the role of psychological theories and artists in shaping perceptions of reality.

Verified Answer

Final Answer :
Explanation :
M.C. Escher readily acknowledged his debt to Gestalt psychologists as a source of inspiration. He was particularly interested in how humans perceive and interpret visual information, and he incorporated many Gestalt principles, such as figure-ground relationships and the use of symmetry, into his art.