Asked by Malachi Ogita on Sep 29, 2024



Which statement best describes optical illusions

A)  They are influenced by our experiences. 
B)  They are perceived only if your vision is compromised. 
C)  Once you understand the "trick," then you won't see the illusion anymore. 
D)  They are more pronounced in children.

Optical Illusions

Visual phenomena where the perception of reality is distorted, causing the observer to see something different from the actual object or scene.


The sense that allows the perception of shapes, colors, and depth through the processing of light by the eyes and brain.


Events or occurrences which leave an impression on someone.

  • Discern the contributions of psychological theories and artists to the interpretation of reality.
  • Acquire knowledge on the functions and conceptual frameworks associated with visual perception, including the understanding of depth cues and color vision.

Verified Answer

Jaime Thomasabout 12 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Optical illusions are influenced by our experiences, expectations, and context. For example, the famous "duck-rabbit" illusion can be seen as either a duck or a rabbit depending on our prior knowledge and expectations. Therefore, individuals with different experiences may perceive the same image differently.