Asked by Bradley Kerrigan on Sep 30, 2024

Which statement best represents the interaction of classical and operant conditioning for avoidance learning

A)  Operant conditioning of escape is followed by classical avoidance. 
B)  Operant avoidance is positively reinforced by a pleasant unconditional stimulus. 
C)  Classical fear conditioning is followed by operant negative reinforcement. 
D)  Classical conditioning of feelings of safety is reinforced by operant punishment.

Avoidance Learning

A process of operant conditioning where learning occurs through the avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus.

Classical Conditioning

The acquisition of knowledge that takes place by associating an external stimulus with a naturally existing stimulus, which triggers a deliberate response.

Operant Conditioning

A learning process in which the probability of a response is changed by its consequences, with behaviors being strengthened or weakened by reinforcements or punishments.

  • Identify the function of avoidance and escape learning in altering behavior.
  • Elucidate the relationship between classical conditioning and operant conditioning within the context of learning.