
(K12_HN) La Thi Hai Yen




The principle of moderation was termed the Golden ______ by Aristotle.

On Jul 28, 2024



With regard to violence in the prison,over time,most inexperienced prison guards ______.

A) are more likely to report excessive violence by other guards.
B) get used to the violence and accept it.
C) became more active in trying to protect inmates from violence by other guards.
D) became more active in trying to protect inmates from other inmates.

On Jul 19, 2024



A client must be able to confide in his or her attorney so that the attorney can best represent the client's interests. This is the

A) rule of client confidentiality.
B) exception to the rule of client confidentiality.
C) rationale for the rule of client confidentiality.
D) None of these choices is correct.

On Jun 21, 2024



Which of the following is true of consideration?

A) It does not need to be exchanged.
B) It distinguishes a contract from a gift.
C) It is not required for a valid contract to be formed.
D) All of these choices are correct.

On Jun 18, 2024



Can a seller disclaim or limit warranties required by the UCC? If so, explain how.

On May 22, 2024

The UCC permits express and implied warranties to be disclaimed, provided that the buyer is made aware of the disclaimers at the time the sales contract is formed. To disclaim an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, the disclaimer must be in writing and be conspicuous (printed in larger or contrasting type or in a different color, for example). A merchantability disclaimer must mention the word merchantability, but it need not be in writing. If it is made in writing, the writing must be conspicuous. Generally speaking, unless circumstances indicate otherwise, the implied warranties are disclaimed by the expression "as is," "with all faults," or similar language that is commonly understood by both parties as meaning that there are no implied warranties.


Paralegals cannot perform which of the following tasks during a trial?

A) Locate documents or exhibits as they are needed
B) Observe jurors' reactions to statements made by the attorneys or witnesses
C) Cross-examine witnesses
D) Check to see if a witness's testimony is consistent with sworn statements

On May 19, 2024