
(K12_HN) Tran Thanh Son




The premise of a behavioural interview is that "past performance is the best predictor of future performance."

On Jul 22, 2024



From a point within the utilities possibilities frontier,

A) movement to another point within the frontier can only increase one person's utility, but not both people's utility.
B) it is possible to find another point within the frontier that generates higher utility for both people.
C) it is possible to find another point within the frontier that involves higher output of both goods.
D) any move to another point within the frontier will necessarily decrease someone's utility.

On Jul 18, 2024



When modifying on-the-job behavior, what does the management of antecedents involve? How could a manager use antecedents to cut down on the costly misuse of photocopy machines that is so common in offices today?

On Jun 21, 2024

Since antecedents are cues that encourage certain behavior, managers can rearrange antecedents to encourage productive behavior and discourage unproductive behavior by removing barriers and/or providing helpful aids. Limiting free access to the photocopy machine is the key to this antecedent management strategy. For example, putting someone in charge of the office photocopy machine and creating a photocopy machine policy that restricts photocopies to company-related matters will cut down on costly misuse of the photocopy machine.


For empowerment to succeed, managers should

A) micromanage their teams and delegate as much work as possible.
B) ensure that communication flows top down from senior management.
C) help their teams ensure that communication flows in both directions.
D) hold frequent meetings to constantly supervise the progress of the team.
E) ensure that a team shares information only after it receives approval.

On Jun 18, 2024



Describe the four fundamental ways in which not-for-profit organizations differ from business enterprises. What are the reporting objectives of NFPs?

On May 22, 2024

The four fundamental ways in which not-for-profit organizations differ from business enterprises:
1. NFPs have members and not owners. There is no residual economic interest.
2. The organizations' objectives are to serve the common good, rather than to maximize earnings or generate a return on investment from the owners.
3. The nature of revenue and expenses differ. Revenues are generated from sources that will not receive benefit from the expenses incurred. For example, governments may provide revenues, but individuals may be the recipient of the services provided. The revenues may be restricted as to the type of expenditures that can made, impacting the flexibility of the organization. Finally, revenue is recorded when the related expenses are incurred. (This is opposite to what is generally done with profit-oriented businesses that report revenue and then match with the expenses incurred to generate revenue.)
4. Suppliers of funds are not providing capital to generate an investment return. Since the suppliers are one of the primary users of financial statement, objectives in financial reporting will be different than business enterprises' reporting objectives.
Reporting objectives of NFPs include:
1. Stewardship-How has the organization used the funds that were provided?
2. Measuring the costs of services rendered-Users will want to ensure that the services have been provided effectively and efficiently.
3. Cash-flow prediction-Will the organization have enough cash to carry on its activities in the future?
4. Management evaluation-How well has management achieved the above objectives?


Leaders who rely on kindness and humor to build strong relationships possess Goleman's "relationship management" trait.

On May 19, 2024
