


Do you think that attending university for the first time could be considered a form of "culture shock"? Why or why not?

On Jul 24, 2024

Students may argue that attending university for the first time is a form of culture shock,because university culture is quite different from high school culture.Also,some students move away from home into a new environment when first attending university.This may result in feelings of disorientation,alienation,depression,and loneliness that subsides only once a student becomes acclimated to the new institutional culture.


Which of the following statements is true?

A) Only the difference threshold varies from person to person.
B) Only the absolute threshold is constant for all people.
C) Both the difference threshold and the absolute threshold are constant for all people at all times.
D) Both the absolute threshold and the difference threshold vary from person to person over time.

On Jul 22, 2024



Early brain stimulation studies of wanting and liking were conducted by __________.

A) Maslow and McClelland
B) Knutson and colleagues
C) Olds and Milner
D) Duckworth and Seligman

On Jun 24, 2024



According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development,_____ is when new experiences are reinterpreted to fit into old ideas.

On Jun 22, 2024



Describe the first steps to be taken after a person's death.

On May 24, 2024

Answers will vary. If one is present at someone's death, call the family doctor, the police, or 911. A doctor is needed to complete the death certificate and indicate the cause of death. If the cause of death cannot be readily determined, a coroner or medical examiner may become involved to determine the cause of death. Once the person's body has been examined by the doctor and the death certificate has been completed, a funeral director may be contacted to remove the body from the home or the hospital, and arrangements may be made for burial, cremation, or placement in a mausoleum. If death occurs unexpectedly or foul play is involved or suspected, an autopsy may be performed to determine the cause and circumstances of death. Sometimes an autopsy is performed, with the family's consent, if the knowledge gained from the procedure could benefit medical science.


Regarding religion, nearly three fourths of U.S. adults report being ______.

A) uncaring whether God exists or not
B) unsure whether God exists or not
C) absolutely certain God is make believe
D) absolutely certain of the existence of God

On May 23, 2024