


What term does Lareau use to describe the parenting style of working- and lower-class families?

A) concerted cultivation
B) natural growth
C) laissez faire
D) restrictive

On Aug 03, 2024



What are some of the issues raised in the text concerning different types of adoption.

On Jul 30, 2024

Transracial adoptions: Opponents feel that children adopted by parents of a different race/ethnicity (especially black children adopted by white parents)will be "alienated from their culture" and will not be provided with the skills they need to deal with racism and discrimination.Open and Closed Adoption: Traditionally,adoption was closed,all information about the adoption was kept confidential,and birth parents had no contact with the adoptive parents and children.The positive aspects of this is that the biological parent(s)can move on with their lives,especially if the pregnancy was the result of a traumatic experience,and the adoptive parents do not have to worry about interference from the biological parent(s).However,a drawback to closed adoptions is that parents do not know the medical histories of their children,and children,since they lack information about the birth parent(s),may feel like they were abandoned by their birth parent(s).Some states are moving to open adoption,where information is shared and contact is maintained between birth and adoptive parents.However,the costs of this approach is that all three parties may be disappointed if the others do not live up to their expectations.Also,many biological mothers feel that open adoptions violate their right to privacy.Adoption by same sex partners: an increasing percentage of Americans favor adoption by gays and lesbians.Despite growing approval,U.S.adoption laws vary from state to state regading joint adoption when two unmarried parents adopt a child together at the same time.For example,in Utah,only heterosexual parents can adopt.In Arkansas,no unmarried adults can adopt.However,many adoption agencies have placed children with gay or lesbian parents because of the belief that having a loving and responsible family is more important than the parents' sexual orientation.International adoption: Many couples adopt internationally since the waiting period is less than in the United States.However,international adoption has been decreasing as countries have fewer abandoned babies (China),are encouraging domestic adoption (Russia,Ukraine,South Korea),or are limiting adoption to the US because of instances of parental abuse or growing anti-American sentiment (Russia).


The term __________ is used to refer to homosexuals who publicly identify themselves as gay.

On Jul 03, 2024

Come out


Harold Garfinkle's ethnomethodological study of a woman named Angus revealed that gender is largely determined by the biology of our body.

On Jun 30, 2024



Two observers standing on a street corner saw an automobile accident. While both observers witnessed the same event, they disagreed over which driver was responsible for the accident. What does this situation illustrate?

A) systematic observation
B) casual observation
C) direct observation
D) indirect observation

On Jun 03, 2024



What are the reasons argued that literature by women of Color is not taught in college classes? What do you think could be some solutions to make it possible?

On May 31, 2024

There are several reasons argued for why literature by women of color is not taught in college classes. One reason is the historical dominance of white male authors in the literary canon, which has led to a lack of representation and recognition for women of color writers. Additionally, there may be a lack of diversity among faculty members and a lack of awareness or understanding of the importance of including literature by women of color in the curriculum.

Another reason could be the perception that literature by women of color is not as "universal" or "relatable" as literature by white authors, leading to a bias in the selection of texts for college courses. There may also be a lack of resources and support for including diverse voices in the curriculum, as well as resistance to change from traditionalists within academia.

Some solutions to make it possible to include literature by women of color in college classes could include diversifying the faculty and ensuring that there are educators who are knowledgeable and passionate about these works. Additionally, there could be efforts to create and promote resources for teaching literature by women of color, such as anthologies, critical essays, and teaching guides. It is also important to actively seek out and support authors and texts that have been historically marginalized, and to incorporate them into the curriculum in a meaningful and intentional way.

Furthermore, there should be a commitment to ongoing professional development and training for faculty to ensure that they are equipped to teach and engage with literature by women of color. This could involve workshops, seminars, and discussions focused on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the curriculum. Ultimately, it will require a concerted effort from institutions, faculty, and students to challenge the status quo and advocate for the inclusion of literature by women of color in college classes.


Capitalism and socialism are two examples of political systems throughout the world.

On May 04, 2024



With which of the following theories are the policies of neoliberal globalization most consistent?

A) dependency theory
B) modernization theory
C) world systems theory
D) new international division of labour theory

On May 01, 2024