Abdul Manan Jalbani




Who called public opinion a great beast?

A) Walter Lippmann
B) John Dewey
C) E.J.Dionne
D) Alexander Hamilton

On Jul 17, 2024



Which is NOT a characteristic common to action research?

A) Collaboration
B) Independence
C) Reflection
D) Participation

On Jul 14, 2024



The Supreme Court ruled that the government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations or unions to political campaigns in

A) Buckley v.Valeo (1976) .
B) Bush v.Gore (2000) .
C) Citizens United v.Federal Election Commission (2010) .
D) FCC v.Pacifica Foundation (1978) .

On Jun 17, 2024



Write an essay that explains why people vote.In your answer,be sure to cite specific evidence to show how the factors you mention are related to voter turnout.

On Jun 14, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Social and demographic background: Americans with higher levels of education,more income,and higher-level occupations participate much more in politics than do those with less education and less income.Other individual characteristics also affect participation.For example,African Americans and Latinos are less likely to participate than are whites.Finally,young people are far less likely to participate in politics than are older people.
b.Political environment: A critical aspect of political environments is whether people are mobilized: by parties,candidates,campaigns,interest groups,or social movements.A recent comprehensive study of the decline in political participation in the United States found that half of the drop-off could be accounted for by reduced mobilization efforts.An additional factor is whether elections are competitive; that is,whether there are at least two candidates actively contesting a position in government.Competitive elections,and the campaign spending and mobilization efforts that go along with them,directly affect turnout rates.
c.State electoral laws: In most other democratic nations,where voting rates are higher,citizens are automatically registered to vote,but the United States requires a two-step process: registering to vote and then voting.Registration requirements particularly reduce voting by the young,those with low education,and those with low incomes because registration requires higher political involvement,more planning,and more effort than does the act of voting itself.State electoral laws,which vary widely from state to state,create formal barriers to voting that can reduce participation.A relatively recent barrier is a requirement that voters provide proof of identity.