


When creative children were studied,what was the outcome of television viewing and creativity?

A) The children were extremely creative because they watched creativity on television all the time.
B) Television is negatively related to children's creativity.
C) The children go from point A of creativity to point B of creativity in leaps and bounds when watching television.
D) None of these.

On Jul 17, 2024



Which of the following stages follows the action/willpower stage in the stages of change model?

A) resolution
B) resistance
C) preparation/determination
D) maintenance

On Jul 11, 2024



In Bandura's study of observational learning, the abbreviation AMID stands for ________.

A) attention, memory, imitation, desire
B) alertness, motivation, intent, monetary reward
C) achievement, momentum, initiative, memory
D) achievement, motivation, intellectual capacity, memory

On Jun 14, 2024



A(n) ________ variable is a factor researchers try to predict or the outcome they are interested in studying.

A) dependent
B) mediating
C) extraneous
D) independent

On Jun 09, 2024



At the level of the Logic of Statements, a tautology is implied by any statement and an inconsistent statement implies any statement. Moreover, any two tautologies or any two self-contradictory statements are equivalent. With regard to implication and equivalence, how should we resolve the differences between the treatment of these concepts in the Logic of Statements and how these same concepts apply in everyday real-world discourse?

On May 13, 2024

The way out of this puzzle is to notice that meaning at this level of logic is not in any way connected to the topic or content of a given statement. But in everyday discourse, interpreting what a statement means not only includes the topic and content of each statement; meaning includes the context and purpose for which the statement is used as well. Some use the expression "semantic meaning" to talk about the actual content of the statements in natural language and "pragmatic meaning" to talk about the context and purpose for which the statements are being used. But the Logic of Statements operates entirely below the levels of semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning. It operates at a purely grammatical level, a level some would refer to as the level of "syntactic meaning." Syntactic correctness is a precondition for semantic correctness. Two statements can be syntactically equivalent, but not be equivalent at the semantic or at the pragmatic levels.


The claim that hypnotic phenomena are regulated by normal conscious processes is associated with the theory that hypnosis reflects the power of

A) parallel processing.
B) dissociation.
C) serial processing.
D) social influence.

On May 10, 2024