


Why does covert participant observation help eliminate the Hawthorne effect?

A) Because strict control is maintained over independent variables.
B) Because only highly reliable and valid measures are used.
C) Because statistical methods are used to wash it out.
D) Because the individuals being observed are unaware that they are being observed.

On Jul 25, 2024



Social workers who are aware of a colleague's impairment-due to personal problems, psychosocial distress, substance abuse, or mental health difficulties that interfere with practice effectiveness-should consult with the colleague when feasible and assist the colleague in taking remedial action.

On Jul 24, 2024



Discuss how collective behavior emerges. How does collective behavior differ from other types of social behavior?

On Jul 22, 2024

Collective behavior emerges when a group of individuals come together and engage in actions or behaviors that are not typically seen in their everyday social interactions. This can include things like riots, protests, fads, and panics. Collective behavior is often spontaneous and can be influenced by factors such as emotions, social norms, and external stimuli.

One key difference between collective behavior and other types of social behavior is the level of organization and structure. In collective behavior, there is often a lack of formal organization and leadership, and actions are often driven by the emotions and behaviors of the group as a whole. In contrast, other types of social behavior, such as group decision-making or institutionalized behaviors, are often more structured and organized.

Additionally, collective behavior often involves a temporary and fluid group dynamic, where individuals may come together for a specific purpose and then disperse once that purpose has been achieved. This is in contrast to other types of social behavior, which may involve more stable and long-term group dynamics.

Overall, collective behavior is characterized by its spontaneity, lack of formal organization, and temporary nature, making it distinct from other types of social behavior.


Providing for locked,secured,confidential file storage in crisis situations is

A) not practical.
B) to be addressed in crisis planning.
C) not expected.
D) the responsibility of FEMA.

On Jul 20, 2024



Thomas Jefferson

A) wrote in favor of slavery.
B) supported slavery privately.
C) owned no slaves.
D) supported intermarriage between whites and Africans.

On Jun 26, 2024



Every year, before farmers plant their crops, a community holds a parade. While the parade does not influence the harvest in any demonstrable way, some community members believe that a good parade increases the crop yield. What does this example illustrate?

A) sociological thinking
B) scientific thinking
C) formal thinking
D) traditional thinking

On Jun 24, 2024



Research on contraceptive use

A) has focused more on contraceptives used by females than those used by males.
B) has found that women use condoms more than the pill to protect themselves from AIDS.
C) has focused more on contraceptives used by males than those used by females.
D) indicates that the use of all methods of birth control has been declining.

On Jun 22, 2024



Which of the following best exemplifies an imagined community?

A) a basketball team
B) Jamaican Canadians
C) people born in 1993
D) you and your ideal romantic partner

On Jun 20, 2024



In experiments,members of experimental and control groups are selected using:

A) sampling frames
B) representative samples
C) probability samples
D) randomization techniques
E) baseline community drawing

On May 25, 2024



The main criticism of Park's theory is that it does not address the social structural conditions that prevent some groups from:

A) resisting
B) organizing
C) assimilating
D) segregating
E) expressing symbolic ethnicity

On May 23, 2024