Adrianna Ortiz Rodriguez




If there are many firms in an industry, then it must be a purely competitive market.

On Jul 11, 2024



WEBS portfolios

A) are passively managed.
B) are shares that can be sold by investors.
C) are free from brokerage commissions.
D) are passively managed and are shares that can be sold by investors.
E) All of the options are correct.

On Jul 10, 2024



Which types of people are more likely to engage in organizational politics?

On Jun 11, 2024

The textbook identifies three personal characteristics: high need for personal power, internal locus of control and high Machiavellian values.
High need for personal power.People with a high need for personal power are more likely to engage in organizational politics.The need for power is a desire to control one's environment, including people and material resources.Effective leaders have a relatively high 'socialized power' need in which they seek and use power for altruistic purposes.Less effective employees have a strong 'personal power' need whereby they seek power for the experience of power itself and to fulfill personal interests.
High Machiavellianism.Machiavellianism is a personality trait in which people believe that deceit is a natural and acceptable way to influence others.Machiavellian employees seldom trust others and frequently use power to manipulate others towards their own personal goals, whether or not these goals are favorable to the organization.
Internal locus of control.People with a high internal locus of control feel that they are very much in charge of their own destiny.Consequently, internals are more likely than externals to engage in political behaviors to shape their lives and the world around them.This does not mean that internals are naturally political.Rather, they have a greater tendency to turn to political action when political conditions are present.


Shipping times promised in ads are estimates-merchants are not required to notify consumers when orders cannot be shipped as timely as promised.

On Jun 10, 2024



Mortgage pass-through securities are relatively safe,even when loans are made to borrowers with poor credit ratings.

On May 12, 2024



For nearly every year since 1992 our rate of inflation was below

A) 5 percent.
B) 4 percent.
C) 3 percent.
D) 2 percent.
E) 1 percent.

On May 11, 2024