


The traditional news media aims to provide objective reporting on current events by

A) excluding the personal views of reporters or editors from their coverage.
B) including the personal views of reporters and editors in their coverage.
C) quoting only official government sources in their coverage.
D) quoting only nongovernment sources in their coverage.

On Jul 09, 2024



Is the Supreme Court an elite democratic or popular democratic institution? In what ways does it have features of or provide impetus for each theory?

On Jul 02, 2024

The Supreme Court can be seen as both an elite democratic and popular democratic institution, as it possesses features of and provides impetus for each theory.

On one hand, the Supreme Court can be viewed as an elite democratic institution because it is composed of nine justices who are appointed for life by the President and confirmed by the Senate. This means that the Court is insulated from direct popular control and is made up of individuals who are often seen as part of the political and legal elite. Additionally, the Court has the power to strike down laws passed by elected representatives, which some may argue is undemocratic as it allows a small group of unelected individuals to override the will of the majority.

On the other hand, the Supreme Court also has features of a popular democratic institution. The justices are ultimately accountable to the people through the nomination and confirmation process, and the Court has the power to protect the rights of minority groups and individuals from the potential tyranny of the majority. The Court's decisions can also reflect changing societal norms and values, and it has the ability to shape public opinion and influence the direction of public policy.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court can be seen as both an elite democratic and popular democratic institution, as it possesses features of and provides impetus for each theory. Its unique position as a check on the other branches of government and its ability to protect individual rights while also being insulated from direct popular control make it a complex and multifaceted institution within the American democratic system.


Explain the concepts of equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. How do they differ?

On Jun 09, 2024

Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are two different concepts that are often discussed in the context of social and economic justice.

Equality of opportunity refers to the idea that everyone should have an equal chance to succeed in life, regardless of their background or circumstances. This means that individuals should have access to the same resources, education, and opportunities to pursue their goals and ambitions. Proponents of equality of opportunity argue that it is essential for creating a fair and meritocratic society, where individuals are judged based on their abilities and efforts rather than their social or economic status.

On the other hand, equality of outcome focuses on ensuring that everyone ends up with the same or similar results, regardless of their starting point. This means that society should strive to reduce or eliminate disparities in income, wealth, and other outcomes, in order to achieve a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. Proponents of equality of outcome argue that it is necessary for addressing systemic inequalities and creating a more just and inclusive society.

The main difference between the two concepts lies in their focus. While equality of opportunity emphasizes providing an equal starting point for individuals to pursue their goals, equality of outcome focuses on achieving equal or similar results for everyone, regardless of their starting point.

In practice, achieving equality of opportunity may involve policies and initiatives aimed at providing equal access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, while achieving equality of outcome may involve redistributive policies such as progressive taxation and social welfare programs.

Overall, both concepts are important for promoting fairness and justice in society, but they represent different approaches to addressing inequality and promoting social and economic mobility.


The fact that Americans strongly support minimal governmental interference with individuals'
Lives and property illustrates their commitment to

A) anarchy.
B) democracy.
C) liberty.
D) socialism.

On Jun 01, 2024



In any given year,the United States provides approximately ________ in economic assistance
To other countries.

A) $100 million
B) $800 million
C) $14 billion
D) $30 billion

On May 09, 2024



Although equality is an essential element of American political culture,there is little agreement on exactly what it means and how to best achieve it.What are some of the different meanings of equality and why has it been hard for Americans to reach consensus on questions of equality?

On May 02, 2024

There are two components to this question.
a.Different meanings of equality: Few Americans embrace the ideal of full equality of results,but most share the ideal of equality of opportunity: that is,the notion that each person should be given a fair chance to go as far as his or her talents will allow.Americans make clear distinctions between political equality and social or economic equality.Political equality means that members of the American political community have the right to participate in politics on equal terms (i.e. ,"one person,one vote").Americans have always been less concerned about social or economic inequality and less supportive of government efforts to redress these kinds of inequalities than they are about inequality of opportunity.
b.Difficulty of reaching consensus: It has been difficult for Americans to reach an agreement on what constitutes equality of opportunity.Must a group's past inequalities be remedied in order to ensure equal opportunity in the present? Should inequalities in the legal,political,and economic spheres be given the same weight? In contrast to liberty,which requires limits on the role of government,equality implies an obligation of the government to the people.