


All of the following EXCEPT ________ are characteristics of social media and mobile communication.

A) forcing professionals to develop new skills
B) altering relationships between senders and receivers
C) changing the nature of communication
D) creating countless opportunities but few meaningful challenges

On Aug 03, 2024



Which is not a serious disadvantage associated with freely fluctuating exchange rates?

A) uncertainty which tends to diminish trade
B) greater instability in unemployment levels
C) longer lags in eliminating balance of payments surpluses or deficits
D) swings in the terms of trade related to currency appreciation or depreciation

On Jul 31, 2024



(Table: Choice with Uncertainty) Use Table: Choice with Uncertainty.Suppose that the probability that the sitcom does not make it to television is 30%,that it makes it to television but is not the most viewed show in its time slot is 50%,and that it makes it to television and is the most viewed show in its time slot is 20%.Given this information,Norman,as a utility maximizer:

A) should keep his teaching job.
B) should quit his teaching job and go to Hollywood.
C) will be indifferent between leaving and staying because his expected income is the same whether he stays a teacher or moves to Hollywood.
D) will be indifferent between leaving and staying because his expected total utility is the same whether he stays a teacher or moves to Hollywood.

On Jul 04, 2024



The deposit expansion multiplier is

A) the reserve ratio.
B) the excess reserves.
C) the reciprocal of the reserve ratio.
D) the reciprocal of the discount rate.
E) equal to 1.

On Jul 01, 2024