


A reduction of lot sizes increases the amount of fluctuation that can accumulate between any pair of stages of a supply chain,thus increasing the bullwhip effect.

On Jul 22, 2024



A(n) _____ is a situation that overwhelms the effects of individual personalities by providing strong cues for appropriate behavior.

A) weak situation
B) integrative situation
C) rigid situation
D) strong situation

On Jul 18, 2024



Hackman,in his real team's model,stresses one quality as critical for turning a run-of-the-mill team into a real team.That quality is:

A) a compelling purpose that ties each members' outcomes to the team's outcomes.
B) a strong leader who organizes the team.
C) members who are willing to engage in backup behaviors.
D) a shared mental model.
E) a high level of psychological safety.

On Jun 20, 2024



Susan has a part-time "cottage industry" producing seasonal plywood yard ornaments for resale at local craft fairs and bazaars. She currently works 8 hours per day to produce 16 ornaments.
a. What is her productivity?
b. She thinks that by redesigning the ornaments and switching from use of a wood glue to a hot-glue gun she can increase her total production to 20 ornaments per day. What is her new productivity?
c. What is her percentage increase in productivity?

On Jun 17, 2024

a. 16 ornaments/8 hours = 2 ornaments/hour
b. 20 ornaments/8 hours = 2.5 ornaments/hour
c. Change in productivity = 0.5 ornaments/hour; percent change = 0.5/2 = 25%


The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 provides for continuous periodic disclosures by certain publicly held companies.

On May 21, 2024



FASB Statement No.109 addressed both interperiod and intraperiod tax allocation issues.Discuss both interperiod and intraperiod tax allocation methods.

On May 18, 2024

Intraperiod tax allocation allocates income tax expense for financial accounting purposes to several items of income, including (a)income from continuing operations, (b)results from discontinued operations, (c)extraordinary items, (d)the cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles, and (e)prior period adjustments.Interperiod tax allocation, on the other hand, involves the allocation of a corporation's income tax obligation as an expense to various accounting periods.