


Kulik and colleagues (1996) studied pre-operative cardiac patients and found that:

A) patients who were not assigned a roommate recovered slower than patients who were assigned a roommate.
B) patients who were assigned a roommate recovered slower than patients who were not assigned a roommate.
C) patients who were assigned a same-sex roommate recovered faster than patients who were not assigned a same-sex roommate.
D) patients who were not assigned a same-sex roommate recovered slower than patients who were not assigned a same-sex roommate.

On Jul 24, 2024



People stare at a pattern of narrow black-and-white lines for a minute and then look at some wider lines. The second set of lines appears even wider than usual to them. Why?

A) Staring at the first set of lines led to the phenomenon of induced motion.
B) Staring at the first set of lines produced sensory adaptation.
C) Staring at the first set of lines fatigued certain feature detectors.
D) Staring at the first set of lines changed these people's psychophysical function.

On Jul 21, 2024



Joan and Eric both experienced a complete sexual response cycle during intercourse.It is likely that each of them experienced the highest levels of blood pressure and heart rate during the stage of

A) resolution.
B) plateau.
C) orgasm.
D) excitement.

On Jun 24, 2024



Many theorists see cohabitation as

A) a threat to the institution of marriage.
B) a new stage in the courtship process.
C) a fad that will level off in the next several decades.
D) an indication of young people's preference for alternative lifestyles.

On Jun 21, 2024



Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of begging the question?

A) Darth Vader was not childless, since he was Luke Skywalker's father.
B) Roman togas were very functional clothing, since they had a pocket on the left side.
C) There is no possibility that I will ever find a spouse, because my situation is hopeless.
D) The restaurant must be succeeding financially, since it has a lot of customers.
E) France is only partially European, since French Guiana is in South America.

On May 25, 2024



According to Kelly, psychological problems are caused by

A) past traumatic experiences.
B) unloving parents.
C) inadequate construct systems.
D) using irrational logic to explain events.

On May 22, 2024