Alvira Chayne Flores




Which sociologist, associated with the Chicago School, was known for developing community projects that assisted people in need?

A) Robert Park
B) Ida B. Wells
C) Jane Addams
D) W. E. B. DuBois

On Aug 02, 2024



According to _____, society relies on conformity to maintain its stability, while according to _____, social control agents exert pressure to conform.

A) symbolic interactionism; functionalism
B) social learning theory; conflict theory
C) functionalism; conflict theory
D) conflict theory; psychoanalytic theory

On Aug 01, 2024



Karl Marx was one of Malthus's strongest supporters.

On Jul 25, 2024



Research has been conducted regarding why teens engage in smoking and other deviant behaviors. The most important factor in statistically predicting whether or not a teen will engage in a particular deviant behavior is the presence or absence of peers who are also involved in that behavior. This is probably because the other teens are acting

A) in ways that are closely connected to the family.
B) in cooperation with schools and the media.
C) as the most powerful, long-term force in their friends' lives.
D) as agents of socialization.

On Jul 06, 2024



Which of the following is a true statement about hate groups in the United States?

A) Hate groups recruit members from predominantly poor,uneducated,rural populations.
B) Hate groups now use the Internet exclusively to spread information and build membership.
C) The United States has experienced a steady decline in hate groups since the Civil Rights Movement.
D) The United States has experienced a recent resurgence of hate groups.

On Jul 03, 2024



Our sense of self is largely created through social processes.

On Jul 02, 2024



 Describe demographic characteristics of the baby boomers and the impact baby boomers have had on American society

On Jun 30, 2024

The baby boomers are a generation of individuals born between 1946 and 1964, following the end of World War II. This generation is characterized by its large size, as there were approximately 76 million baby boomers born during this period.

Demographically, baby boomers are predominantly white, with a smaller percentage of African American, Hispanic, and other ethnicities. They were raised during a time of economic prosperity and technological advancements, which has influenced their values and beliefs.

The impact of baby boomers on American society has been significant. As they have aged, they have had a major influence on various aspects of society, including politics, culture, and the economy. Baby boomers have been a driving force behind social and political movements, such as the civil rights movement, women's rights, and environmental activism.

In terms of the economy, baby boomers have shaped consumer trends and spending habits, as they have been a major market force for decades. They have also had a significant impact on the workforce, as their large numbers have led to shifts in employment patterns and retirement trends.

Overall, the baby boomers have had a profound impact on American society, shaping it in numerous ways and leaving a lasting legacy that continues to influence the country today.


The term to describe the simultaneous homogenization of some aspects of life and the strengthening of some local differences under the impact of globalization is

A) McDonaldization
B) regionalization
C) glocalization
D) neoliberal globalization
E) imperialism

On Jun 06, 2024



What is there evidence of that make(s) men more sick?

A) biological factors
B) traditional male gender role expectations
C) traditional female gender role expectations
D) gender inequality

On Jun 03, 2024



Which of the following is NOT one of the mechanisms that bias the news so as to support powerful corporate interests and political groups,according to Hermann and Chomsky?

A) advertising
B) sourcing
C) network broadcasting
D) flak

On Jun 01, 2024