


Select True if the statement is true or False if the statement is false.
In general essays should have a thesis statement that expresses the main idea.

On Jul 26, 2024



For the following sentences, select the letter of the incorrect past tense verb in each group. Despite such challenges, on March 13, 2012, a Siberian research institute with access to mammoth remains signed an agreement with one of the world's most controversial geneticists, Hwang Woo-Suk of South Korea. They sayed that they would clone a mammoth together.

A) signed
B) sayed

On Jul 22, 2024



Each group of sentences below could be organized into and written as a paragraph. In each group, select the letter of the topic sentence. Which sentence is the topic sentence?

A) The announcer introduced us as the "Huge Notes" instead of the "High Tones."
B) All the lights in the theater flashed on and off throughout our last song.
C) Starting our first song a half-beat too late, Dina threw the rhythm off for the rest of us.
D) The debut of our singing group at the college talent show last Saturday was a total disaster.
E) Halfway through our act, our lead singer's microphone went dead for three minutes.
F) Calvin arrived so hoarse that he could hardly sing at all.

On Jul 09, 2024



Select the correct past participle for each blank. Donated to the Livermore Fire Department in 1901, the bulb is ____ closely by firefighters and city historians to keep its light burning brightly.

A) watch
B) watched

On Jun 24, 2024



If the sentence is correctly punctuated, select "Correct." If the sentence is not correctly punctuated, select "Not correct." "I never thought I would become a scientist," Craig said, but after taking cell biology, I became very interested in cancer research."

A) Correct
B) Not correct

On Jun 20, 2024



Each of the following general statements is followed by several examples. For each of the statements, select the letter of the example that does not clearly illustrate the generalization. My boss seems to go out of his way to make me miserable.

A) He waits until 4:45 p.m. and then runs to my desk with ten letters that "must be out tonight."
B) He wears business suits.
C) Last Friday, he backed his car into mine and left with my fender.
D) He allows me vacation time only in the coldest months of the year.

On Jun 16, 2024



In each group below, select the letter of the sentence that uses concise, fresh, and exact language. Which sentence uses concise, fresh, and exact language?

A) On Saturdays, Faris completes his homework assignments and prepares for the next week's classes.
B) On Saturdays, Faris completes his assigned exercises and writing assignments and reads the chapters related to the next week's lessons.
C) On Saturdays, Faris completes his schoolwork.

On Jun 12, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct words and punctuation for each blank. The original Library of Congress was conceived of in 1800 as a place to store ____ congressmen's correspondence.

A) books, papers, and
B) books papers and,

On Jun 09, 2024



For each of the following sentences, select "correct" if the sentence is punctuated correctly, "fragment" if it is a fragment, "run-on" if it is a run-on, and "comma splice" if it is a comma splice. The word barbecue can refer to the wooden or metal framework used for cooking, it can also refer to the animal being cooked or the event or meal at which the food is being served.

A) correct
B) fragment
C) run-on
D) comma splice

On Jun 04, 2024



Select the part of the sentence that contains a grammar or punctuation error. The fanciest designs was the multicolored masterpieces that the Japanese developed during the nineteenth century.

A) fanciest
B) was
C) masterpieces that

On Jun 01, 2024