


Permissive parents ______.

A) are most likely to use power-assertive techniques when dealing with aggressive behavior.
B) have strict guidelines for right and wrong and demand that their children accept them without question.
C) tend to impose rules and to watch their children closely.
D) allow their children to show some aggression, intervening only when another child is in danger.

On Jul 27, 2024



Do you hold any stereotypes? If so, are they positive or negative assumptions about a group of people? Where do you think your stereotypes came from, and what factors may be involved in maintaining these beliefs.

On Jul 19, 2024

As a human being, I am not immune to holding stereotypes. I believe that everyone, to some extent, holds stereotypes about certain groups of people. These stereotypes can be both positive and negative assumptions about a group of people.

I think my stereotypes may have come from a combination of personal experiences, cultural influences, and media portrayals. For example, growing up, I may have been exposed to certain stereotypes about different racial or ethnic groups through family members, friends, or the media. These stereotypes may have been reinforced or challenged by my own personal interactions with individuals from those groups.

Factors that may be involved in maintaining these beliefs include confirmation bias, where I may only seek out information that confirms my existing stereotypes, and cognitive dissonance, where I may feel uncomfortable when presented with information that challenges my stereotypes. Additionally, societal norms and peer pressure may also play a role in maintaining these beliefs.

It's important to recognize and challenge our own stereotypes, and to actively seek out diverse perspectives and experiences in order to broaden our understanding of different groups of people. This can help to break down stereotypes and promote more inclusive and empathetic attitudes towards others.


Learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than to the original, natural stimulus is called ________.

A) classical conditioning
B) operant conditioning
C) memory linkage
D) adaptation

On Jun 27, 2024



A need to take larger and larger doses of sleeping pills to avoid insomnia is an indication of

A) narcolepsy.
B) tolerance.
C) sleep apnea.
D) REM rebound.

On Jun 19, 2024



Unlike groups that are merely social, cultural groups ____.

A) promote safety
B) find and share food
C) can complete tasks that members cannot complete alone
D) preserve information and pass it along to future generations

On Jun 15, 2024



The divided-consciousness view of hypnosis holds that

A) hypnosis can block sensory input.
B) the hypnotized person behaves the way he or she believes that a hypnotized person should behave.
C) hypnosis involves the retention of a single state of consciousness.
D) hypnosis involves a special state of consciousness in which consciousness is split into separate components.

On May 16, 2024



Beginning in the 1960s,psychological science returned to its earlier interest in mental processes.This movement was inspired by the

A) emergence of community psychology.
B) push for a positive psychology.
C) cognitive revolution.
D) free love movement.

On May 11, 2024



During Erikson's crisis of intimacy versus isolation the key concern involves developing the capacity to share intimacy with others. This stage is associated with

A) adolescence.
B) early adulthood.
C) middle adulthood.
D) late adulthood.

On May 08, 2024