


What evidence did Janzen and colleagues find while studying the neotropical skipper butterfly, Astraptes fulgerator, that led them to test whether it was a cryptic species. What are the implications of their findings?

On Jul 23, 2024

Janzen and colleagues found evidence of genetic and morphological differences among populations of the neotropical skipper butterfly, Astraptes fulgerator, which led them to test whether it was a cryptic species. They discovered that there were distinct genetic clusters and differences in wing patterns among the populations, indicating potential cryptic species within A. fulgerator.

The implications of their findings are significant as it suggests that what was previously thought to be a single species may actually consist of multiple cryptic species. This has implications for conservation efforts, as different cryptic species may have different ecological requirements and conservation needs. It also highlights the importance of using genetic and morphological data to accurately assess species diversity, as relying solely on external appearances may lead to underestimating the true diversity of organisms. Overall, their findings emphasize the need for further research and conservation efforts to properly understand and protect the biodiversity within A. fulgerator.


A fire devastates all trees in a wide swath of forest. Populations of a species of tree-dwelling frog on either side of the burned area diverge to become separate species. This is an example of _____.

On Jul 22, 2024

allopatric speciation


Use your own words to explain the second law of thermodynamics and how this law applies to living organisms.

On Jun 22, 2024

The second law of thermodynamics states that when energy is converted from one form to another, some of that energy is converted to heat, which is a form of energy that is unusable by living organisms. Because of the second law, plants must photosynthesize and animals must eat to compensate for this continued loss of usable energy in cells.


Homo erectus

A) overlapped and interbred with modern humans
B) appeared in the fossil record about 1.8 mya to about 53,000 years ago; bipedal with a larger cranial cavity
C) lived from approximately 2.3-1.4 mya; stone tools are often found in the same area as these fossils
D) appeared in the fossil record about 195,000 years ago
E) a possible third species overlapping with anatomically modern humans

On Jun 21, 2024



Which of the following endocrine glands stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus?

A) thyroid
B) adrenal cortex
C) adrenal medulla
D) posterior pituitary
E) anterior pituitary

On May 23, 2024



Which limbic structure allows us to respond to and display anger and also prompts the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream?

A) amygdala
B) hippocampus
C) cerebellum
D) cerebrum
E) pons

On May 22, 2024