


Challenges for the trucking industry include:

A) lack of flexibility.
B) limited equipment options.
C) oversupply of qualified drivers.
D) competition.

On Jul 19, 2024



Servant leadership is not used widely in leadership training programs.

On Jul 16, 2024



Discuss the steps involved in the performance management process.

On Jun 19, 2024

The first two steps of the process involve identifying what the company is trying to accomplish (its goals or objectives) and developing employee goals and actions to achieve these outcomes. Typically, the outcomes benefit customers, the employee's peers or team members, and the organization itself. The goals, behaviors, and activities should be measurable and become part of the employee's job description.
Step three in the process-organizational support-involves providing employees with training, necessary resources and tools, and ongoing feedback between the employee and manager, which focuses on accomplishments as well as issues and challenges that influence performance. For effective performance management, both the manager and the employee have to value feedback and exchange it on a regular basis-not just once or twice a year. Also, the manager needs to make time to provide ongoing feedback to the employee and learn how to give and receive it.
Step four involves evaluating performance; that is, when the manager and employee discuss and compare targeted goals and supporting behavior with actual results. This step includes the annual formal performance review.
The final steps of the performance management process involve both the employee and manager identifying what the employee can do to capitalize on performance strengths and address weaknesses (step 5) and providing consequences for achieving (or failing to achieve) performance outcomes, such as pay increases, bonuses, or action plans (step 6). This includes identifying training needs; adjusting the type or frequency of feedback the manager provides to the employee; clarifying, adjusting, or modifying performance outcomes; and discussing behaviors or activities that need improvement.


Identify and discuss five elements that characterize credible,professional report content.

On Jun 16, 2024

Your credibility is on the line with every business report you write,so make sure your content includes the following elements.Accuracy: Information presented in a report must be factually correct.Double-check your facts and references in addition to checking for typos.Completeness: To help audiences make informed decisions,include all the information necessary for them to understand the situation,problem,or proposal.Tell your readers what they need to know-no more,no less-and present the information in a way that meets their needs.Balance: Omitting relevant information or facts can bias your report.Therefore,present all sides of the issue fairly and equitably and include all the essential information,even if some of it doesn't support your line of reasoning.Clarity and Logic: Save your readers time by making sure your sentences are uncluttered,contain well-chosen words,and proceed logically.To help your readers move from one point to the next,make your transitions clear and logical.Proper Documentation: If you use primary and secondary sources for your report or proposal,be sure to properly document and give credit to your sources.


In manager-led teams,the team members:

A) execute a task.
B) monitor and manage the performance of the team.
C) design the team as a performing unit.
D) design the organizational context.

On May 20, 2024



Individuals raised in contact cultures require less personal space than those raised in noncontact cultures.

On May 17, 2024
