


What name did the Zurich circle of artists who rejected artistic convention in response to the Great War adopt for their movement?

A) De Stijl
B) Bauhaus
C) Dada
D) Neue Sehen
E) Der Blaue Reiter

On Sep 23, 2024



nullification crisis

On Sep 22, 2024

The nullification crisis was a political conflict that occurred in the United States during the 1830s. It was sparked by the passage of the Tariff of 1828, which imposed high taxes on imported goods, particularly in the southern states. South Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, argued that the tariff was unconstitutional and sought to nullify it within the state. This led to a standoff between the federal government and South Carolina, with the state threatening to secede if the tariff was not repealed. The crisis was eventually resolved through a compromise, but it highlighted the growing tensions between the North and South over issues of states' rights and federal power. The nullification crisis is significant because it foreshadowed the later secession of the southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War. It also raised important questions about the balance of power between the federal government and the states, which continue to be relevant in American politics today.