


A majority of the population of the Global South live in ________ and work ________.

A) rural areas; in agriculture
B) urban areas; in factories
C) rural areas; in urban areas
D) urban areas; for the government

On Jul 30, 2024



Working capital decreases when a company pays taxes payable.

On Jul 27, 2024



The following information is available for Miguel Company at December 31 2016: beginning inventory $160000; ending inventory $240000; cost of goods sold $1050000; and sales $1800000. Everett's inventory turnover in 2016 is

A) 4.38 times.
B) 5.25 times.
C) 6.56 times.
D) 9 times.

On Jun 29, 2024



What are some of the new and cutting-edge methods used to assess leadership effectiveness?

On Jun 26, 2024

Student answers may vary. One type of study examines social networks within organizations to determine which individuals exert influence and leadership within the network. Other studies use implicit measures to tap into automatic cognitive processes that people use without conscious awareness to describe leaders by using broad classifications such as charismatic, authentic, ethical, and empowering. Another stream of research uses biosensor methods that combine biology, chemistry, and technology to identify the physical and psychological mechanisms that underlie leader traits and behaviors, follower reactions to leaders, and the development of leader-follower relationships. Yet another cutting-edge line of research employs behavioral genetics approaches such as studies that compare the attributes of identical twins who were raised apart, or fraternal twins who were raised together, to determine the relative influence of genetic ("nature") versus environmental ("nurture") forces on leadership emergence and effectiveness. Still another emerging field of inquiry focuses on what we can learn about leadership from people's reactions to leaders' facial expressions.


Decisions made during the supply chain design phase regarding significant investments in the supply chain,such as the number and size of plants to build,the number of trucks to purchase or lease,and whether to build or lease warehouse space,cannot be altered in the short term.

On May 30, 2024



The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) wants to review certain documents of Trade Funds Inc. Whether it is permissible for the SEC to request or review the documents depends on whether the documents are

A) incriminating.
B) relevant.
C) technical.
D) valuable.

On May 27, 2024



The conflict management style of collaboration involves being moderately cooperative and assertive.

On Apr 30, 2024



An order from a lower price buyer

A) should always be accepted rather than waiting for potential revenue from a higher price buyer.
B) should only be accepted if the expected revenue from a higher price buyer is higher than the current revenue from the lower price buyer.
C) should be accepted if the expected revenue from a higher price buyer is lower than the current revenue from the lower price buyer.
D) should not be accepted if the expected revenue from a higher price buyer is lower than the current revenue from the lower price buyer.

On Apr 27, 2024