


Sponges exhibit radial symmetry.

On Jul 24, 2024



Which of the following will increase the heart rate?

A) A rise in pH
B) An increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood
C) An increase in the level of blood oxygen
D) An increase in blood pressure
E) A decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood

On Jul 21, 2024



Chromosomes are duplicated during the ____ phase of the cell cycle.

A) M
B) D
C) G1
D) G2
E) S

On Jun 23, 2024



Which of the following are the maintenance cells in bone tissue?

A) Osteocytes
B) Osteoblasts
C) Osteoclasts
D) Chondrocytes
E) Osteochondral progenitor cells

On Jun 20, 2024



In the dark-eyed junco, the offspring of females and their extra-pair mates are more likely to survive to reproduce, and have higher reproductive success, than the offspring of females and their pair-bonded mate. While this could be explained by the good genes hypothesis, it could also be the result of maternal effects (females invest more in eggs sired by extra-pair mates). Describe how you could test if these offspring differences are due to good genes or maternal effects.

On May 24, 2024

(Answers will vary) One option is to eliminate the possibility of genetic benefits by only allowing one male to sire all the offspring of polyandrous females (by sterilizing the other males). If there is no difference in survival and reproductive success of the offspring of monogamous versus "polyandrous" females, then this supports the good gene hypothesis. If there is a difference, then this must be attributed to maternal effects. Another option is to test the hormone levels in eggs, or egg size, laid by monogamous and polyandrous females to determine if females are investing differently in eggs.


All calico cats are female because

A) two recessive X-linked genes are required for the calico phenotype.
B) Y-linked genes prevent the expression of the calico phenotype.
C) the calico phenotype is caused by random X chromosome inactivation.
D) the calico phenotype is a Y-linked trait.
E) one X chromosome and one Y chromosome are needed for the expression of the calico phenotype.

On May 21, 2024