


Explain how the cash flows from operating activities section of the statement of cash flows is prepared using the indirect method.

On Jul 24, 2024

The indirect method for preparing the operating section of the statement of cash flows is the most widely used method.The indirect method starts with net income and then adjusts net income for (1)changes in non-cash current assets and current liabilities,(2)operating items not providing or using cash,(3)nonoperating gains and losses.


Which of the following is one of the ways businesses utilize the social communication model?

A) By transmitting fixed messages about a brand
B) By limiting access to stakeholders
C) By incorporating a "we talk,you listen" model
D) By monitoring online discussions about the company
E) By allowing information to flow from the top of the organization

On Jul 23, 2024



Gray markets are best described by which of the following?

A) Markets where competitors ignore local brand licensing arrangements
B) Markets characterized by lots of rain
C) Markets where rules are unclear
D) None of these

On Jun 24, 2024



Political savvy is a skill and adroitness at reading political environments and understanding how to influence effectively in these environments.

On Jun 23, 2024



Describe the proofreading process and discuss what should be done to ensure effective proofreading.

On May 25, 2024

Proofreading is not a one step process.To help the proofreading process,the document should be reviewed several times,with a specific focus for each proofreading attempt.During the first round of proofreading,the message should be revised to make sure it is clear,concise and correct.Unnecessary words and phrases should be eliminated.Attention should be paid to jargon or buzz words that the audience may not be familiar with.Everything in the message should add to the meaning of the message.Next,the message should be considered in terms of appearance.The message should be attractive and professional in appearance.If the message is being sent via the computer,formatting and appearance need special consideration.The message should also be proofread to make sure the message is free of misspelled or misused words,grammar and punctuation is correct and consistent.Only then is the message ready to distribute.


Permits issued under the Clean Water Act relate to the:

A) use of river water for agricultural purposes.
B) use of potable water for industrial purposes.
C) use of water by industries beyond permissible limits.
D) release of pollutants into the waterways within legal limits.

On May 24, 2024