


The business cycle is the

A) relationship between unemployment and inflation.
B) irregular fluctuations in economic activity.
C) positive relationship between the quantity of money in an economy and inflation.
D) predictable changes in economic activity due to changes in government spending and taxes.

On Jul 16, 2024



Diversity and inclusion in an organization ________.

A) have no potential costs
B) offer only benefits
C) generally decrease creativity
D) increase the talent available to fill positions

On Jul 13, 2024



Situational leadership comprises both directive and supportive dimensions ______.

A) that are behaviorally similar to task and relationship behaviors in the behavioral approach
B) that are applied in the same way to all followers
C) that are used separately depending on the followers' needs
D) that are applied to followers who are not sure what their task needs are

On Jun 14, 2024



​A gas station opened up on the highway in a patch where there are no gas stations close by.It is more likely to be able to set higher prices because

A) ​the demand for its product is more inelastic due to an unavailability of substitutes
B) the demand for its product is more elastic due to an unavailability of substitutes
C) the demand for its product is more inelastic due to an availability of substitutes
D) ​the demand for its product is more elastic due to an availability of substitutes

On Jun 11, 2024



What are the similarities and differences between Social Security retirement and pensions?

On May 15, 2024

Both address income for retired people. Both are tied to an individual's employment. Social Security is available to (almost) everyone who works because it is a public protection program. Pensions are available only to persons whose employers' offer them, as pensions are private protection programs. Employers are legally required to process social security contributions/deductions whereas there is no legal requirement to provide a pension.


The richest form of feedback is ________.

On May 12, 2024

face-to-face conversation