


Researchers investigating feature detectors have found individual neurons that are activated by images of specific individuals. These neurons may be adaptive primarily because they allow us to

A) distinguide friends from foes.
B) distinguish people from animals.
C) distinguish animals from plants.
D) distinguish animals from food.

On Jul 14, 2024



Dr. Yates forms the hypothesis that students who sleep more prior to taking an exam will score higher on the exam than students who sleep less. Half of the students sleep eight to nine hours the night before the exam. The other half sleep only four to five hours the night before the test. She then gives the participants an exam. In this experiment, what is the dependent variable?

A) The group that sleeps eight to nine hours
B) The performance on the exam
C) The group that sleeps four to five hours
D) Whether they slept four to five or eight or nine hours

On Jul 11, 2024



You have bought a $500 ticket package to take all of your family to Sea World on the first weekend in June. Your spouse has free passes to an IMAX viewing of Jaws for the same day. The morning of your outing, you notice storm clouds coming in and the weatherman says that there is a 95% chance of rain and lightning. You think that it might make more sense to go to the IMAX showing, but you paid significantly more for Sea World. Where would you be more likely to go? Name this phenomenon and briefly describe the premise of this type of cognitive error.

On Jun 14, 2024

You would be more likely to go to Sea World, based on the sunk cost effect: the willingness to do something because of money or effort already spent.


Sigmund Freud explained personality in terms of unconscious motivations,whereas ________ described personality in terms of enduring traits.

A) Gordon Allport
B) Albert Bandura
C) Starke Hathaway
D) B.F.Skinner

On Jun 11, 2024



The process of ______ occurs when we move through space and revise our mental representations of where things are in the environment.

A) visual updating
B) visual editing
C) spatial editing
D) spatial updating

On May 15, 2024



Problem-solving has been linked to

A) better psychological adjustment.
B) lower levels of depression.
C) fewer health complaints.
D) all of these.

On May 12, 2024