


Which executive secretary of the National Association of Graduate Colored Nurses played a crucial role in expanding opportunities for black nurses in the U.S.military?

A) Mabel Staupers
B) Nell Hunter
C) Crystal Bird Fauset
D) Mary McLeod Bethune

On Sep 29, 2024



What was a primary reason the United States created the Marshall Plan to support European rebuilding?

A) public consensus that such aid was the right thing to do
B) to help Western Europe resist communism
C) to make Western European nations stronger militarily
D) to fulfill a promise made during the war
E) to convince European nations to remain on the gold standard

On Sep 25, 2024



Discuss the fugitive slave and the different types of escaping (permanent and temporary). How did whites in the North and South react to runaways? What role did the Underground Railroad play?

On Sep 22, 2024

The fugitive slave experience was a significant aspect of the history of slavery in the United States. Fugitive slaves were individuals who escaped from their enslavers and sought freedom. There were different types of escaping for fugitive slaves, including permanent and temporary escapes. Permanent escapes involved slaves fleeing to free states or Canada, where they could live as free individuals. Temporary escapes, on the other hand, involved slaves running away for a short period of time before being captured and returned to their enslavers.

Whites in the North and South reacted differently to runaways. In the North, many whites were sympathetic to the plight of fugitive slaves and supported the abolitionist movement. They provided assistance to runaway slaves, helping them to find shelter, food, and transportation on their journey to freedom. In contrast, whites in the South were hostile towards runaways and enacted harsh laws to prevent slaves from escaping. Slave catchers were hired to track down and capture fugitive slaves, often using violent and coercive methods.

The Underground Railroad played a crucial role in aiding fugitive slaves in their quest for freedom. It was a network of secret routes and safe houses that provided assistance to runaway slaves as they made their way to free states or Canada. Conductors, who were often free African Americans and sympathetic whites, guided and sheltered fugitive slaves along the way. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves to escape to freedom, and its existence was a source of fear and frustration for slaveholders in the South.

Overall, the fugitive slave experience and the different types of escaping reflect the resilience and determination of enslaved individuals to seek freedom. The reactions of whites in the North and South varied, with the North providing support and assistance to runaways, while the South sought to maintain control and prevent escapes. The Underground Railroad played a crucial role in facilitating the escape of fugitive slaves and challenging the institution of slavery.