


Evaluate the radical expression (if possible) without using a calculator. −244- \sqrt [ 4 ] { 2 ^ { 4 } }424

A) 2
B) -16
C) 16
D) -2
E) not possible

On Jul 09, 2024



For 2 = 8.88 with the number of groups = 4, the researcher would ______.

A) not reject the null hypothesis (p > .05)
B) reject the null hypothesis (p <.05)
C) reject the null hypothesis (p >.05)
D) reject the null hypothesis (p <.01)

On Jul 01, 2024



A certain refrigerator requires 170 watts of electricity when it is running.It typically runs about 20 minutes per hour.How much does it cost to run this refrigerator for one year if the cost per kWh is $0.11?

On Jun 05, 2024

$54.60;it runs a third of the time in a day,so it runs 8 hours a day.8  365 = 2,920 hours a year.The watt-hours are 170  2,920 = 496,400.For kWh,divide by 1,000.
496,400 ÷ 1,000 = 496.4 kWh.0.11  496.4 ≈ $54.60.


Lamont took a psychology exam whose mean was 70 with standard deviation 5.He also took a calculus exam whose mean was 80 with standard deviation 10.He scored 85 on both exams.On which exam did he do better compared to the other students who took the exam?

A) He did better on the psychology exam,comparatively speaking.
B) He did better on the calculus exam,comparatively speaking.
C) He did the same on both exams,relatively speaking.
D) Cannot tell without more information.

On May 31, 2024



Use the formula Use the formula   to calculate the lower and upper limits of the 90% confidence interval for a sample of N = 12 with a mean   = 4.00 and standard error of the mean   = .58. A)  (2.96, 5.04)  B)  (2.20, 5.80)  C)  1.62, 6.38)  D)  2.72, 5.28) to calculate the lower and upper limits of the 90% confidence interval for a sample of N = 12 with a mean Use the formula   to calculate the lower and upper limits of the 90% confidence interval for a sample of N = 12 with a mean   = 4.00 and standard error of the mean   = .58. A)  (2.96, 5.04)  B)  (2.20, 5.80)  C)  1.62, 6.38)  D)  2.72, 5.28) = 4.00 and standard error of the mean Use the formula   to calculate the lower and upper limits of the 90% confidence interval for a sample of N = 12 with a mean   = 4.00 and standard error of the mean   = .58. A)  (2.96, 5.04)  B)  (2.20, 5.80)  C)  1.62, 6.38)  D)  2.72, 5.28) = .58.

A) (2.96, 5.04)
B) (2.20, 5.80)
C) 1.62, 6.38)
D) 2.72, 5.28)

On May 06, 2024



The p-value of a test is the probability of observing a test statistic at least as extreme as the one computed given that the null hypothesis is true.

On May 02, 2024



A trademark claims ownership of the idea for an invention.

On Apr 28, 2024
