


Which of the following is a NOT a defence to negligence?

A) Libel
B) Statute of Limitations
C) Act of God
D) Waiver
E) Volenti non fit injuria

On Aug 01, 2024



Younker Corporation is a shipping container refurbishment company that measures its output by the number of containers refurbished. The company has provided the following fixed and variable cost estimates that it uses for budgeting purposes and the actual results of operations for April. Younker Corporation is a shipping container refurbishment company that measures its output by the number of containers refurbished. The company has provided the following fixed and variable cost estimates that it uses for budgeting purposes and the actual results of operations for April.   When the company prepared its planning budget at the beginning of April, it assumed that 31 containers would have been refurbished. However, 34 containers were actually refurbished during April.The spending variance for Other expenses for April would have been closest to: A)  $3,203 F B)  $500 F C)  $500 U D)  $3,203 U When the company prepared its planning budget at the beginning of April, it assumed that 31 containers would have been refurbished. However, 34 containers were actually refurbished during April.The spending variance for "Other expenses" for April would have been closest to:

A) $3,203 F
B) $500 F
C) $500 U
D) $3,203 U

On Jul 30, 2024



Which of the following is an example of language that does not contain a bias based on gender?

A) The company hired four new salesmen.
B) The typical executive spends four hours of his day in meetings.
C) When I met with the nurse, she told me to stay home another day.
D) The new director of operations is Mrs. John Smith.
E) The average worker spends 20 hours per week on emails.

On Jul 02, 2024



What are the two types of enterprising nonprofits and how do they differ?

On Jun 30, 2024

The first type utilizes earned-income activities,a form of venturing,to generate all or a portion of total revenue.These enterprising nonprofits apply the principles of entrepreneurship to generate revenue to sustain their mission-driven organizations.The second type has a focus on growth and economic sustainability.Such an enterprising nonprofit may incorporate outside investment,in the form of venture philanthropy,to scale the organization for increased social impact.


If the net markdowns are excluded from the calculation of the cost-to-retail ratio in the retail inventory method, the ending inventory's valuation is lower because of which of the following effects on the cost-to-retail ratio?

A) The denominator of the ratio will be lower, which results in a higher cost-to-retail ratio.
B) The denominator of the ratio will be higher, which results in a lower cost-to-retail ratio.
C) The numerator of the ratio will be higher, which results in a higher cost-to-retail ratio.
D) The numerator of the ratio will be lower, which results in a lower cost-to-retail ratio.

On Jun 02, 2024



European Vacation
After staying around 1.35 US dollars per Euro for years,the exchange rate fell below 1.25 US dollars to a euro during the summer of 2014.What affect does this have on tourism in Europe?

On May 31, 2024

The demand for European vacations by Americans will increase because it takes fewer dollars to convert into a given number of euros.Likewise,Europeans considering coming to the US now have to convert more euros into dollars if they wish to visit the US.Some will opt to stay in Europe instead.Both effects increase the demand for hotels in Europe during holidays.Since supply of hotels is relatively fixed,this increases the hotel rates expressed in euros.


Discuss the practice of "going the extra mile."

On May 02, 2024

When a company gives customers small extra products or services as a way of showing appreciation for their business, the company is said to be "going the extra mile." The goodwill generated thus could translate into future sales through repeat purchases or referrals. This is why it is considered that "going that extra mile" nearly always pays up for itself.


When performing activity analysis on administrative processes, the "product" is often information.

On May 01, 2024



Nonprofit organizations are important to our collective well-being because they meet needs that other sectors do not address.

On Apr 30, 2024
