


Which style communicator may make others feel uncomfortable by overusing both feedback and disclosure?​

A) Private
B) Dominant
C) Sociable
D) ​Open 

On Sep 26, 2024



If an issuer forgets to write the date on a check, what is the effect?

A) The payee may write in the date consistent with the intent of the issuer, but must put a notation on the check to the effect that it was altered.
B) The payee may write in the date consistent with the intent of the issuer and may transfer the check to a holder in due course.
C) The payee may write in the date consistent with the intent of the issuer, but may not transfer the check to a holder in due course.
D) The check is no good, cannot be completed by anyone, and should be destroyed.
E) The check is good only if the payee can get in touch with the issuer and have the issuer fill in the appropriate date.

On Sep 22, 2024