


The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh offers:

A) microloans.
B) focused loans.
C) collateralized loans.
D) amortized loans.

On Jul 20, 2024



Serious consideration about one's future in terms of career often starts in high school-or sometimes as early as junior high.Do you believe it is possible for someone to envision their "right livelihood" at such a young age? Support your position.How do you believe secondary education should address the issue of career exploration?​

On Jul 17, 2024

I believe it is possible for someone to envision their "right livelihood" at a young age, such as in high school or junior high. While it may not be common for everyone to have a clear career path at such a young age, there are certainly individuals who have a strong sense of their interests, passions, and strengths early on. These individuals may have a natural inclination towards certain career paths and may already have a sense of what they want to pursue in the future.

Supporting this position, there are many successful individuals who have known what they wanted to do from a young age and have been able to pursue their passions and build successful careers. For example, some people may have always been drawn to a specific field such as medicine, engineering, or the arts, and have been able to focus their education and experiences towards achieving their career goals.

In terms of how secondary education should address the issue of career exploration, I believe it is important for schools to provide students with opportunities for career exploration and guidance. This can include career counseling, internships, job shadowing, and exposure to different industries and professions. By providing students with these opportunities, they can gain a better understanding of their interests and strengths, and can make more informed decisions about their future career paths.

Additionally, schools can also offer a variety of courses and extracurricular activities that allow students to explore different subjects and fields. This can help students discover new interests and passions, and can also help them develop a well-rounded skill set that can be applied to various career paths.

Overall, while not everyone may have a clear vision of their "right livelihood" at a young age, it is certainly possible for some individuals to have a strong sense of their career goals early on. By providing students with opportunities for career exploration and guidance, secondary education can help students make informed decisions about their future and pursue fulfilling careers.


Internal users of accounting information manage and operate the company.

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General-purpose financial statements include the (1)income statement,(2)balance sheet,(3)statement of stockholders' equity (or statement of retained earnings),(4)statement of cash flows,and (5)notes to these statements.

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For website content, you should use the ________ style, in which you cover the most important information briefly at first and then gradually reveal successive layers of detail-letting readers choose to see those additional layers if they want to.

On May 18, 2024

inverted pyramid