


Which of the following terms can be defined as "the ability to manage interactions with others effectively through an understanding, integration, and management of emotions"?

A) emotional security
B) emotional intelligence
C) emotional understanding
D) emotional awareness

On Jul 20, 2024



Which of the following statements is correct?

A) One advantage of dividend reinvestment plans is that they enable investors to avoid paying taxes on the dividends they receive.
B) If a company has an established clientele of investors who prefer a high dividend payout, and if management wants to keep stockholders happy, it should not follow the strict residual dividend policy.
C) If a firm follows a strict residual dividend policy, then, holding all else constant, its dividend payout ratio will tend to rise whenever the firm's investment opportunities improve.
D) Despite its drawbacks, following the residual dividend policy will tend to stabilize actual cash dividends, and this will make it easier for firms to attract a clientele that prefers high dividends, such as retirees.

On Jul 17, 2024



In the social media landscape, consumers are more apt to look for product information from other consumers, not the companies marketing those products.

On Jun 19, 2024



If a question catches you off guard,answer it quickly and change the subject.

On Jun 16, 2024



Smellz Chemical Company produces a variety of chemicals used in industrial cleaning. The fumes from the chemicals can be hazardous to Smellz' employees,and the company takes some steps to protect its workers from these hazards.If OSHA believes these precautions are inadequate and Smellz is failing to fulfill its obligations under the General Duty Clause of the OSHA Act,what must OSHA prove?

On May 20, 2024

To establish a violation of the General Duty Clause,OSHA must establish that: (1)an activity or condition in the employer's workplace presented a hazard to an employee, (2)either the employer or the industry recognized the condition or activity as a hazard, (3)the hazard was likely to or actually caused death or serious physical harm,and (4)a feasible means to eliminate or materially reduce the hazard existed."  Then,it must demonstrate that the employer failed to eliminate or sufficiently reduce a hazard in the workplace.


The 5-step process of choosing a course of action for dealing with a problem is referred to as ________.

On May 17, 2024

the rational decision model