


Race and racism are modern concepts and had not been fully developed by the seventeenth century.

On Jul 23, 2024



How did the United States respond to the Soviet Union's testing of its first atomic bomb?

A) President Truman called for the formation of an international agency to control atomic energy.
B) Secretary of State Acheson asked that a summit be scheduled for negotiation of differences between the superpowers.
C) The United States called for an agreement between the superpowers on the number of nuclear-capable warheads each side would be allowed to have.
D) The United States began development of the hydrogen bomb.

On Jul 08, 2024



Intermarriage between English colonists and Native Americans in Virginia

A) was quite common following the wedding of John Smith and Pocahontas.
B) was only permitted for colonists who were part of the upper class.
C) was very rare before being outlawed by the Virginia legislature in 1691.
D) created a prevalent mixed race of Native Americans who often wound up enslaved.
E) produced a member of a British royal family who became an Indian chief.

On Jul 05, 2024



The Social Security Act of 1935

A) was first envisioned by President Hoover.
B) was financed by general government revenues.
C) provided pensions to the aged and unemployment benefits.
D) applied to agricultural workers.
E) was fully controlled by the federal government.

On Jun 08, 2024



The religious emotionalism of the Great Awakening was confined to the American colonies in the mid-eighteenth century.

On Jun 05, 2024



Which of the following was one of the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act?

A) Runaway slaves were allowed to find safety in "free" states.
B) Anyone who helped escaped slaves would be fined.
C) Legal remedies were provided, to determine whether runaway slaves should be returned to their masters.
D) Slave families were allowed to stay together if they were caught.

On Jun 04, 2024



What was a factor in the increasing involvement of Old Northwest farmers in the market economy?

A) The best cotton-growing land was along the banks of the Erie Canal.
B) The steel plow and the reaper were replaced by newer, more efficient technologies.
C) Farmers no longer needed to rely on eastern banks as a source of credit and loans.
D) A new ethos of self-sufficiency inspired more and more farmers to claim land in the Old Northwest.
E) Loans originating with eastern banks and insurance companies financed the acquisition of land and supplies.

On May 08, 2024



In his Wheeling, West Virginia, speech of 1950, who did Joseph McCarthy claim had been infiltrated by communists?

A) Hollywood
B) the State Department
C) Broadway
D) unions
E) the Department of Defense

On May 07, 2024



With regard to Latin America, the Roosevelt administration ___________________.

A) sought to stimulate economic diversification and industrial development throughout the region
B) was willing to support dictatorial regimes in the hope they would promote stability in the region
C) strictly adhered to a policy of noninterference in the domestic affairs of nations in the region
D) fostered democracy by sending impartial observers to oversee free elections in the region

On May 06, 2024



Which of the following statements accurately describes the Americas before the arrival of Europeans?

A) Across Native American groups, only a few languages were spoken, which aided communication.
B) A diverse array of Native American groups had their own languages, cultures, and conflicts.
C) Trade among Native American groups had yet to be established because there were few riches there.
D) Groups relied only on hunting and gathering, not any form of farming the earth.
E) Very little diversity existed in North America, which contributed to the lack of fighting.

On May 04, 2024